MPM Marketing Services (“the Company”) and its subsidiary companies are committed to protection of personal information collected as a result of its business activity.
Amendment of the Company’s privacy policy will be published on the Company’s website.
The Company is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles, to the extent required by the Australian Privacy Principles (“APP’s”), Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (“Privacy Act”), and the Credit Reporting Code (“CR Code”). The following policy outlines how the Company collects, uses and manages personal information
The Company collects and holds personal information about:
Payments to Company are made through both secure internal and third party payment gateways. The Company receives notification of the processing of payments from the secure internal and third party payment gateway in which any credit card information is provided in an encrypted format.
The type of information we collect varies, depending on the purpose, and may include (but is not limited to) name, address, contact details, employment information, credit information, credit eligibility information and marketing information.
This information may be obtained through the submission of completed forms, provided in person or by telephone by the individuals themselves, or information obtained from a third party such as a credit reporting body or another credit provider.
Where reasonable and practicable, we collect information directly from the individual. The Company may also collect information from other sources including publicly available information.
In all cases if we collect personal information about you from a third party, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the collection.
The Company also collects a range of credit information about individuals, including the following:
The Company usually collects this information from application forms submitted by applicants for commercial credit, from publicly available sources of information and on an individual’s representative sources (eg spouse, professional adviser or a referee nominated by the individual).
In general, the Company uses personal information to:
Company’s customers; and to comply with our legal obligations. Depending on the product or service provided, personal information may be disclosed to:
We also collect, hold, use and disclose credit information and credit eligibility information about individuals to:
If you do not provide information about yourself that the Company has requested, the Company may not be able to provide you with the relevant product or service.
The Company places a great importance on the security of all information associated with its customers, clients, and contractors. Security measures are in place in order to protect personal information under the Company’s control. Personal information is destroyed when no longer required by the Company.
Personal information requested in accordance with the National Privacy Principles (NPP), will be provided by the Company’s Privacy Officer as provided by NPP:
Requesting parties may request an explanation from the Company in the case of refusal of a) and/or b) above.
The Company sometimes provides products and services to customers on credit. As a consequence, the Company does in some cases handle certain consumer credit-related personal information described below, including information from credit reporting bodies (“CRBs”):
This information may include information about an individual’s arrangements with other credit providers as well as with Company.
The Company may disclose credit-related personal information to CRBs to assist the CRBs to maintain information about individuals to provide to other credit providers for credit assessments. The Company may collect credit-related personal information from CRBs for purposes including, to the extent permitted by law, to assess relevant credit or guarantee applications, manage and review the credit or guarantee, assign debts, collect overdue payments and produce assessments and ratings in respect of the individual’s credit worthiness. The Company may also exchange credit-related personal information with guarantors, debt buyers and other credit providers.
Under the Privacy Act, individuals may request CRBs not to:
The Privacy Act defines ‘sensitive information’ as (among other things) information about a person’s racial or ethnic origin, religion, membership of political bodies, trade union or other professional or trade association, sexual preferences or practices, criminal record or health. Sometimes it may be necessary for the Company to collect sensitive information.
If you provide the Company with sensitive information, it is our policy that this information will be used and disclosed only for the purpose for which it was provided or another directly related purpose, unless you agree otherwise, or unless use or disclosure of this information is allowed by law.
The way we use tax file numbers and information received from a credit reporting body about an individual is also restricted by law.
Specific privacy conditions are as follows:
You may obtain access to, and correct, any personal information which the Company holds about you (including credit eligibility information), unless one of the exceptions in the Privacy Act applies.
To make a request to access information the Company holds about you, please contact in writing using the details listed below. The company will require you to verify your identity and to specify what information you require. The company may charge a reasonable fee to cover the cost of verifying the application and locating, retrieving, reviewing and copying any material requested.
If you seek access to credit eligibility information that we hold about you, we will endeavour to provide you with access within 30 days of your request (unless unusual circumstances apply). In order to ensure that you have access to the most up-to-date information, you should also request access to the credit reporting information held by credit reporting bodies about you.
Requests to correct credit information and credit eligibility information will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
If we are satisfied that the personal information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we will take reasonable steps to correct the information within 30 days of your request, or such longer period as agreed with you in writing. In certain circumstances, we may need to consult with a credit reporting body or another credit provider to determine the accuracy or otherwise of the information.
If we correct personal information about you, we will give you written notice of the correction within a reasonable time period. We will also notify you in writing if we decide not to correct the information in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act.
For more information on privacy legislation visit the Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website at:
For further information on this privacy policy, please contact the Privacy Officer via:
Email: | |
Mail: | Privacy Officer MPM Marketing Services 15-17 Viola Place Brisbane Airport QLD 4008 |
By dealing with the Company or using this site you agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Whenever you submit information via this site, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the CR Code (as applicable).
Copyright © 2025 MPM Marketing Services